Use of diabetes technology by year and by area deprivation, migration
background, and gender. Legend: Use of insulin pump and
CGM in percentage by year and area deprivation, migration background, or
gender interaction are represented using estimates with 95% CI from
logistic regression models, adjusting for area deprivation, migration
background, gender, age group, diabetes duration, and migration
background - area deprivation interaction. Q1 is the least deprived
quintile (yellow) and Q5 is the most deprived quintile (dark red).
Migration background is defined as birth of the patient himself outside
Germany (1st: first generation, dark green) or at least one of his
parents (2nd: second generation, light green). P-values
for trend are given for the effect of gender, migration background, or
area deprivation (modelled as an ordinal term) by year. Non-significant
P-values are indicated in italics.