Extended Data Fig. 1 |. hM3Dq activates vMT, whereas hM4Di inactivates vMT.
Refers to Figs. 1 and 2. a, Timeline of the c-Fos induction protocol. b–d, Recently active c-Fos+ neurons (green) in the vMT of mice that were exposed to the looming stimulus, with XFP (b), hM4Di (c), or hM3Dq (d) injections (red) into the vMT and CNO delivered intraperitoneally. e, After CNO delivery, hM3Dq increased whereas hM4Di decreased the number of c-Fos+ cells in the vMT relative to XFP controls. Scale bars, 100 μm. Data are mean ± s.e.m. *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001. See Supplementary Table 1 for statistical analysis and sample sizes.