Figure 7. IIS and FOXO/DAF-16 non-cell-autonomously regulate HSF-1 activities in the germline.
(A and B) Scatter dot plot showing the fluorescence intensity of hsp-90 (A) and hsc-70 (B) RNA-FISH in the germline of the daf-2(rf) animals that are only sensitive to RNAi in somatic tissues. Depl of HSF-1 from the germline by AID and RNAi (daf-16 or empty vector of L4440 as the ctrl) started since egg lay. Mean and standard deviation are plotted. Statistical significance was calculated by unpaired, two-tailed Student’s t test. **p < 0.01, ****p<0.0001.
(C) A proposed model for HSF-1 to support germline homeostasis and development in response to nutrient-sensing insulin/IGF-1 signaling (IIS) and heat stress. Left: correlation of IIS and DAF-16 activities in the soma with progenitor cell proliferation and HSF-1 activities in the germline. The demands for expression of HSF-1 target genes (e.g., hsp-90 and hsc-70) in germ cells of animals with different IIS activities dictate HSF-1’s requirement for fertility and fecundity. Right: model for regulation of germline HSF-1 by somatic IIS and heat stress. Green pointed arrows denote activation, and red blunt-ended arrows denote repression.