A, B, Example traces showing action potentials elicited by 300 and 600 pA current injections in current clamp mode from rats treated with CIW (A) and CIE (B) during the adult stage. C,D, Summarized data showing no injected current-dependent difference in excitability of the AAI pyramidal neurons between WD2 vs. WD21 from rats treated with Adu::CIW (C) or Adu::CIE (D). E,F, Summarized data showing significant injected current-dependent differences in excitability of the AAI pyramidal neurons between Adu::CIW vs. Adu::CIE on WD2 (E) but not on WD21 (F). Except in cases with other statistics as specified in the RESULTS, data were analyzed by two-way ANOVA with repeated measures (C-F), followed by Bonferroni post-hoc tests. n/m, the number of cells/animals for data collection. **, p<0.01. Gray shadow in A and B, example traces presenting the statistical difference.