Fig. 1. CRISPRpath for identifying enhancers of multiple genes.
(A) Six genes (HPRT1, MSH2, MSH6, MLH1, PMS2, and PCNA) in the 6TG-induced mismatch repair (MMR) process were used for CRISPRpath screen in this study. (B) Schematic of the CRISPRpath screening strategy with 6TG treatment in iPSCs. Cell survival was used as readout for the screen. (C) Spearman correlation analysis of sgRNA ranking based on fold changes for CRISPRpath screens with different 6TG concentrations (1×, 2×, and 3×). (D) Venn diagram shows the overlapping enriched sgRNAs identified from the screens with 2× and 3× 6TG treatments. (E) Box plots show the fold changes of the enriched distal and proximal sgRNAs from 2× and 3× CRISPRi and CRISPRn screens. Asterisk indicates that no enriched distal sgRNA was identified from 3× CRISPRn screen. Box plots indicate the median, interquartile range (IQR), Q1 − 1.5 × IQR, and Q3 + 1.5 × IQR. (F) Bar plot shows the number of enriched distal and proximal sgRNAs from 2× and 3× CRISPRi and CRISPRn screens. Asterisk indicates that no enriched distal sgRNA was identified from 3× CRISPRn screen. (G) Venn diagram shows the identified enhancers from each CRISPRpath screen.