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. 2021 Sep 16;94:106119. doi: 10.1016/j.ijsu.2021.106119

Table 1.

Intranasal COVID-19 vaccines in clinical development phase.

Vaccine platform Type of candidate vaccine Number of doses Schedule (days) Developer Phase
Viral vector: Replicating (VVr) DelNS1-2019-nCoV-RBD-OPT1 (Intranasal flu-based-RBD) 2 0 + 28 University of Hong Kong, Xiamen University and Beijing Wantai Biological Pharmacy 2
Live attenuated virus (LAV) COVI-VAC 1–2 0 or 0 + 28 Codagenix/Serum Institute of India 1
Protein subunit (PS) CIGB-669 (RBD + AgnHB) 3 0 + 14+28 or 0 + 28+56 Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB) 1/2
Viral vector: Non-replicating (VVnr) BBV154, Adenoviral vector COVID-19 vaccine 1 0 Bharat Biotech International Limited 1
Live attenuated virus (LAV) MV-014-212, a live attenuated vaccine that expresses the spike (S) protein of SARS-CoV-2 1 0 Meissa Vaccines, Incorporated 1
Viral vector: Non-replicating (VVnr) PIV5 vector that encodes the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein 1 0 Cyanvac LLC 1