Figure 10.
Blood glucose at different fasting times (A, B) and pyruvate tolerance tests (PTTs) (C, D) in mice from the Lepr knockdown study. In (A), n = 13 for Cre+Leprflox/flox, n = 17 for Cre−Leprflox/flox, n = 10 for Cre+Lepr+/+, and n = 10 for Cre−Lepr+/+. In (B), n = 16 for Cre+Leprflox/flox, n = 17 for Cre−Leprflox/flox, n = 6 for Cre+Lepr+/+, and n = 6 for Cre−Lepr+/+. In (C), n = 13 for Cre+Leprflox/flox, n = 17 for Cre−Leprflox/flox, n = 8 for Cre+Lepr+/+, and n = 9 for Cre−Lepr+/+. In (D), n = 16 for Cre+Leprflox/flox, n = 17 for Cre−Leprflox/flox, n = 5 for Cre+Lepr+/+, and n = 6 for Cre−Lepr+/+. Performed repeated measures two-way ANOVA with post-hoc analysis. Main effect of time (p < 0.05) in (A–D).