Fig. 2. Genome-wide differentiation of Bathymodiolus SOX symbionts at Broken Spur.
A Differentiation based on pairwise average nucleotide identity. B Differentiation based on pairwise average FST in 2496 orthologous genes. Colour bars represent host genotypes (red: B. puteoserpentis, yellow: hybrids) and the sampling year (light grey: 1997, dark grey: 2001). Turquoise indicates a higher differentiation or more dissimilar genomes. Based on a Mantel test, neither clustering based on ANI (A), nor FST (B) correlated with host pairwise genetic distances based on 18 SNP markers (A r = 0.054, p = 0.222, B r = 0.006, p = 0.435) or sampling year (A r = −0.191, p = 0.949, B r = 0.105, p = 0.150) (colour figure online).