Fig. 3. Differentiation of Bathymodiolus SOX symbionts at the northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the influence of geographic distance, host species and environmental parameters (vent type and water depth).
A NMDS plot of SOX symbiont allele frequencies show clear separation of the three symbiont subspecies at the northern MAR: B. azoricus, B. puteoserpentis, and Broken Spur symbiont subspecies. Symbionts from Broken Spur cluster together regardless of the species affiliation of their host (hybrid versus B. puteoserpentis). Colours correspond to vent fields, shapes to host species. B Variation partitioning of explanatory variables used in the RDA (Supplementary Fig. S3). Values are shown in percent. The variables vent type, water depth, host species, and geographic distance and their interaction effects explained 49% of the total variation, with 13% of the variation solely explained by geographic distance. Negative adjusted R values can occur for several reasons, e.g., negative eigenvalues in the model underlying the varpart function in R. P values are based on permutation tests with 1000 repetitions.