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. 2021 Sep 1;9(3):e26824. doi: 10.2196/26824

Table 4.

Demographics of the attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and attention-deficit disorder (ADD) subtypes (N=37).

Demographic characteristics All subtypes (N=37) Participants with ADHD (combined subtype; 21/37, 57%) Participants with ADD (inattentive subtype; 16/37, 43%) P value
Age (years), mean (SD)a 13.78 (2.28) 13.38 (2.156) 14.31 (2.387) .222
Intelligence quotient, mean (SD)b 106.42 (17.91) 104.07 (16.69) 108.76 (19.44) .525
Gender, n (%)

Male 25 (68) 14 (67) 11 (69) 1
Repeated at least 1 school year, n (%) 11 (30) 7 (33) 4 (25) .723
Handedness, n (%) .595

Right-handed participants 29 (78) 16 (76) 13 (81)

Left-handed participants 1 (3) 1 (5) 0 (0)

Ambidextrous participants 5 (14) 2 (9) 3 (19)
Comorbidity with at least 1 mental disorder (yes), n (%) 28 (76) 16 (76) 12 (75) 1
Wears glasses, n (%) 14 (38) 9 (43) 5 (31) .432
Previous use of virtual reality, n (%) 22 (59) 12 (57) 10 (63) 1
Regularly plays video games, n (%) 26 (70) 16 (76) 10 (63) .203

aData were collected from 37 participants.

bData were collected from 26 participants.