Table 1.
Source of evidence
e-journal services and electronic databases | Applied social sciences index and abstracts, EBSCO Host (Academic search complete, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied health Literature (CINAHL), Econ Lit, MEDLINE, and PsycINFO), ArticleFirst, Cochrane Central Registry of Controlled Trials (Cochrane Library, Wiley Online Library), Emerald Insight, JSTOR, PubMed, Springer Link (Springer Reference), Google scholar, and Electronic Collections Online. |
Health Sources | International Bibliography of the Social Sciences, SAGE journals Online, Nursing/Academic Edition, Latin-American and Caribbean Centre on Health Sciences Information (LILACS), African Journals Online, SCOPUS, Science Direct, Web of Science (Web of Knowledge & Science Citation Index), OVID (Social Policy and Practice). |
Websites on health financing | World Health Organisation, The World Bank, Mednar, Intute, Nexis UK, Qual page, Scirus,, and Eldis |
Grey Literature | SIGLE database |