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. 2021 Jul 5;60(3):866–887. doi: 10.1111/famp.12693


Sources of conflict for divorced and separated parents (N = 296)

Type of Issue

Source of tension (296)

N, %

Legal and Financial
1. Financial issues 112 (37.8%)
2. Moving ahead with the divorce (e.g., completing paperwork) 62 (20.9%)
COVID‐Specific Coparenting
1. Adherence to safety guidelines/ precautions 122 (41.2%)
2. Handling remote schooling 94 (31.8%)
3. Views on science (e.g., whether to get a vaccine) 49 (16.6%)
General Coparenting
1. Regular communication about children 128 (43.2%)
2. Decisions about and interacting w/school 114 (38.5%)
3. Establishing and maintaining a routine 108 (36.5%)
4. Decisions about mental health/health care for children 88 (29.7%)
5. Helping children transition from house to house 76 (25.7%)
6. Child reluctant to go to one parent's house/prefers one environment 72 (24.3%)
7. Handling child exchanges 71 (23.9%)
8. Childcare 64 (21.6%)
9. Handling discipline 60 (20.3%)
10. Handling holidays 40 (13.5%)
Interpersonal Differences
1. Jealousy/tension over new relationships 39 (13.2%)
2. Friends and family “taking sides” 27 (9.1%)
3. Political differences 24 (8.1%)
4 Substance use 24 (8.1%)
5. Violence 14 (4.7%)
6. Infidelity, cheating, and sexual issues 12 (4.1%)