Figure 4 .
Sevoflurane-induced alterations of TF binding in F1 sperm are enriched in or around genes involved in nervous system diseases and mental disorders. (A) Genes located on or closest to differential THSSs from the different clusters shown in Figure 3B were subjected to disease ontology enrichment analysis using the Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (P-value < 0.01, hypergeometric distribution with Bonferroni correction). (B-D) Genome browser views of differential THSSs (highlighted by blue shaded box) with NR/20 and/or CTCF TF archetypes in/around ASD genes: (B) Arid1b; (C) Ntrk2; and (D) Sox6. Normalized counts per million (CPM) are shown for control, F1 7-day, and F1 1-day datasets. These sites contain binding motifs for Ar and CTCF. (E) Position weight matrices for Ar and CTCF present at differential THSSs shown in (B–D).