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. 2021 Jul 18;46(6):1290–1299. doi: 10.1111/coa.13832


Trajectory of swallow and voice outcomes from initial assessment to SLT discharge (median timeframe 36.4 days; IQR 26–53 days)

Oral intake status (Functional oral intake scale) Initial SLT assessment (n = 100) Discharge (n = 95)
1: Tube dependent. Nothing by mouth. 36 4
2: Tube dependent with minimal attempts at food or liquid. 14 0
3: Tube dependent with consistent oral intake of food or liquid. 9 0
4: Total oral diet of a single consistency 2 0
5: Total oral diet with multiple consistencies, but requiring special preparation or compensations. 25 10
6: Total oral diet with multiple consistencies without special preparation, but with specific food limitations. 4 8
7: Total oral diet with no restrictions 10 73
Median (IQR) 2.5 (1–5) 7 (7–7)
Z score (p value) −7.322 (p = .000)
Fluid consistency (IDDSI fluid consistencies) Initial SLT assessment (n = 100) Discharge (n = 91)
0: Thin fluid 43 85
1: Slightly thick fluid 12 5
2: Mildly thick fluid 11 1
3: Moderately thick fluid 1
4: Extremely thick fluid 3
5: No fluids 30
Median (IQR) 1 (0–5) 0 (0–0)
Z score (p value) −6.023 (p = .000)
Food consistency (IDDSI food consistencies) Initial SLT assessment (n = 100) Discharge (n = 91)
4: Puree 21 2
5: Minced and moist 15 1
6: Soft & bite sized 12 9
7: Regular 12 78
0: (none) 40 1
Median (IQR) 4 (0–5) 7 (7–7)
Z score (p value) −8.976 (p = .000)
Voice quality (GRBAS‐ G) Initial SLT assessment (n = 99) Discharge (n = 83)
0: No abnormality detected 34 63
1: Mild 31 12
2: Moderate 20 7
3: Severe 14 1
Median (IQR) 1 (0–2) 0 (0–0)
Z score (p value) −5.619 (p = .000)