Figure S3.
qpGraph alternative models for population formation in the Middle East and automatically fitting admixture graphs, related to Figure 3
Graphs (A) and (B) show alternative scenarios for populating the Middle East. Changes from the best model (Figure 3) involve (A) Arabians derive their ancestry from a population related to ancient Iranians and local hunter-gatherers. (B) Ancestry in Arabia from a Levant_N-related rather than Natufian-related population. (C) We show a semi-automatically fitted graph. We started with a base-graph of the ancient populations based on previous knowledge (Lazaridis et al., 2016; Haber et al., 2017); this graph has an outlier Z-score = 2.06. We then used qpBrute (Ní Leathlobhair et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2019) to fit the EmiratiA and we obtained a graph with no outliers showing EmiratiA descended from a mixture of Natufian-related and Sidon_BA-related ancestries. We then used this new graph as a base and added the modern Lebanese. We found that the graph with the lowest Z-score shown here was identical to our Figure 3.