Population Branch Statistics comparing each Arabian (EmiratiA, SaudiA, Yemeni) population with Iraqi_Arabs and using Syrians as an outgroup, related to Figure 6
Variants showing extreme branch statistics highlighted. Red line illustrates the top 99.999% quantile. Note the different y axis scales. rs2814778 is the variant discussed in the main text found at high frequencies in Yemenis that results in the Duffy null genotype. rs35040 shows strong differentiation in Emiratis and is an eQTL for DDX11 in multiple tissues. For both Emiratis and Saudis, we find a strong signal of differentiation at a 97kb haplotype on chromosome 7. Variants on this haplotype (rs1734235) almost reach fixation (97% and 85%, in Emiratis and Saudis respectively) and are associated with increased expression of the lincRNA AC003088.1 in cultured fibroblasts (GTEx Analysis Release V8; The GTEx Consortium, 2020).