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. 2021 Jul 30;7(4):523–539.

Table 4. Main features of surveyed studies using machine learning algorithms in forensic dentistry.

Dentistry field Application Data set Machine learning algorithms Performance
Forensic dentistry Classification of tooth types on dental CBCTa images for forensic identification purposes
Miki et al. [80] (2017)
52 CBCT image CNNsb Accuracy (augmented training data): 88.8%

Use of automated learning techniques for predicting mandibular morphology in skeletal class I, II and III
Niño-Sandoval et al. [84] (2017)
229 lateral cephalograms (95 women and 134 men); age range 18-25 years ANNsc, SVRd ICCe,: ANNs, 0.84 - 0.99; SVR, two coefficients above 0.7

Age estimation in children and adolescents for forensic purposes
Štepanovský et al. [81] (2017)
976 orthopantomographs (662 males, 314 females) of children and adolescents; age range 2.7-20.5 years SVMf, ANNs, k-NNg, K-Star, Regression tree, M5P Tree, Random forest MAEh: M5P tree, SVM: under 0.7 years for both males and females

Develop an automated method for dental age estimation based on lower third molars stage on panoramic radiographs (pilot study)
De Tobel et al. [82] (2019)
400 panoramic radiographs CNNs Mean accuracy: 0.51, MDi: 0.6 stages, kappa: 0.82

Automatic human identification from panoramic dental radiographs
Fan et al. [83] (2020)
15369 panoramic dental radiographs from 6300 individuals CNNs Accuracy: 85.16% and 97.74%

Automated estimation of tooth age from lower left third molar development stages assessed on panoramic radiographs
Merdietio et al. [48] (2020)
400 panoramic radiographs CNNs Accuracy: 0.61, MD: 0.53 stages, kappa: 0.84

CBCT: Cone beam computed tomography;


CNNs: Convolutional neural networks;


ANNs: Artificial neural networks;


SVR: Support vector regression;


ICC: Intraclass correlation coefficient;


SVM: Support vector machine;


k-NN: k-nearest neighbors;


MAE: Mean absolute error;


MD: Mean absolute difference.