Figure 2.
MoM values for plasma kisspeptin and βhCG in healthy controls and women with miscarriages and their diagnostic performance. (A) Scatterplot of median (IQR) MoM of gestation-specific kisspeptin values in healthy controls (n = 265 women providing 545 samples) (gray) and women with miscarriages (n = 95 women providing 149 samples) (red). The groups were compared by the Mann-Whitney U test. ∗∗∗∗P<.0001. (B) Scatterplot of median (IQR) MoM of gestation-specific βhCG values in healthy controls (n = 265 women providing 557 samples) (gray) and women with miscarriages (n = 95 providing 173 samples) (red). The groups were compared by the Mann-Whitney U test. ∗∗∗∗P<.0001. (C) Scatterplot of median (IQR) MoM of gestation-specific kisspeptin and βhCG values in healthy controls (n = 265 women providing 538 samples) (gray) and women with miscarriages (n = 95 women providing 130 samples) (red). The groups were compared by the Mann-Whitney U test. ∗∗∗∗P<.0001. (D–F) ROC curves for MoM of kisspeptin (D), βhCG (E), and kisspeptin and βhCG (F). AuROC = area under the receiver-operating characteristic curve; βhCG = beta human chorionic gonadotropin; IQR = interquartile range; MoM = multiple of median. ROC = receiver-operating characteristic curve.