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. 2021 Sep 16;11:17311. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-96754-1

Figure 6.

Figure 6

Examples of adult (presumably female)-calf trackways (PAT/MTS/015: for measurements of tracks and estimations of body mass and age see Table 1). (a) Real-image of two parallel trackways showing the same direction of movement indicated by the presence of drag marks in the calf trackway and the deepest part of the track always located in the same size of both trackways (interpreted as the anterior one) as shown in the vertical (b) and oblique (d) depth maps and the contour maps (c). Scale bar = 20 cm. (eh) PAT/MTS/008: Tracks of young elephants produced contemporarily except the two larger ones which are deeper imprinted (scale bar = 10 cm).