Figure 3.
LINC00152 target genes in A172 and U87-MG glioblastoma cells. (a) Knockdown efficiencies of siLINC00152 #1 in A172 and U87-MG cells. RNA was prepared and reverse transcribed 48 h after transfection and knockdown efficiencies were determined by qPCR using specific primers. Values were normalized to U6 expression (housekeeper) and compared to the negative control knockdown. (b,e) For microarray analysis, knockdown of LINC00152 was performed in either A172 (n = 3) or U87-MG (n = 4) cells. 48 h after knockdown a microarray analysis was performed covering all human protein coding genes as well as several important noncoding transcripts. Differential gene expression of LINC00152 knockdown approaches was indicated compared to control knockdown. (b) Differences in LINC00152 target gene sets of A172 and U87-MG cells are shown in a Venn diagram. Only one LINC00152 target gene was found in both cell lines and corresponded to the down-regulated LINC00152 target gene itself, which was verified by three independent probes (red asterisk). (b) Heatmap of LINC00152 target genes in A172 and U87-MG cells. (c) Exploratory GO-term analysis of LINC00152 target genes in A172 and U87-MG. The top10 assigned biological processes are shown for both cell lines (an = annotated: number of genes in (Bioconductor) which are annotated with the GO-term; sig significant: number of genes in our dataset which are annotated with the GO-term; clF = classicFisher: p-value obtained after classic Fisher test; p = adjusted p-value: adjustment by Benjamini–Hochberg method). (d) 10 randomly selected LINC00152 target genes were validated by qPCR for both cell lines 40 h after LINC00152 knockdown. Values were normalized to U6 RNA (n = 4). The detected expression of equivalent genes identified by microarray is shown in black for comparison.