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. 2021 Sep 16;12:5472. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-25779-x

Table 4.

Osteoporosis classification results at 95% PPV and 95% NPV thresholds on Hologic testing data.

Threshold with high PPV ≥95%
Hip Spine
Threshold BMD (g/cm2), T-score (T1) 0.513, −2.9 −3.0*
PPV for osteoporosis
TP/(TP + FP), n/N 524/549 4750/5030
PPV (95% CI) 95.5 (93.5–96.8) 94.4 (93.8–95.0)
PPV for 10-year major fracture risk ≥20% NA
TP/(TP + FP), n/N 230/283
PPV (%, 95% CI) 81.3 (76.9–85.0)
PPV for 10-year hip fracture risk ≥3% NA
TP/(TP + FP), n/N 492/498
PPV (95% CI) 98.8 (97.4–99.5)
Threshold with high NPV ≥95%
Threshold BMD (g/cm2), T-score (T2) 0.580, −2.3 −2.1*
NPV for osteoporosis
TN/(TN + FN), n/N 3812/4008 7418/7765
NPV (95% CI) 95.1 (94.5–95.6) 95.5 (95.1–96.0)
NPV for 10-year major fracture risk ≥20% NA
TN/(TN + FN), n/N 3884/3953
NPV (95% CI) 98.3 (97.8–98.6)
NPV for 10-year hip fracture risk ≥3% NA
TN/(TN + FN), n/N 2575/2839
NPV (95% CI) 90.7 (89.8–91.5)
Prediction categorization
Patient number (%)
Predicted BMD or T-score <T1 549 (10.6) 5030 (27.7)
T1 ≤ predicted BMD or T-score <T2 607 (11.8) 5380 (29.6)
Predicted BMD or T-score ≥T2 4008 (77.6) 7765 (42.7)

FN false negative, FP false positive, NA not available, NPV negative predictive value, PPV positive predictive value, TN true negative, TP true positive.

*Based on the vertebrae with the lowest T-score.