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. 2021 Aug 12;15:100380. doi: 10.1016/j.ynstr.2021.100380

Table 1.

PV neuron alterations in the prefrontal cortex of stressed animals.

Species Age during manipulation Age at measurement Sex Experimental Paradigm Brain Region Method Measure Outcome Reference
Mouse (C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent RS 6h/day 21 days Prelimbic cortex IHC Total PV cell number; PV cellular intensity no change [27] Clarke et al. (2019)
Rat (Wistar) Adolescent-adult Adult CMS 9 weeks Prelimbic cortex IHC Total PV cell number no change [33] Czeh et al. (2018)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Adult Adult RS 1h/day for 14 days; sacrifice immediately or 1 month later Prelimbic cortex IHC Total PV cell number no change [46] Friedman et al. (2017)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Early postnatal Adolescent MS 4h/day Prelimbic cortex IHC PV cell density decreased [49] Ganguly et al. (2015)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Early postnatal Juvenile; adolescent; adult ♂♀ MS 4h/day; 0, 20, or 50 days rest Prelimbic cortex IHC and WFA stain PV+/PNN + cell density; PV cell density; PV + PNN intensity; PNN + PV intensity; PV intensity increased PV + PNN intensity at P70 in males; no change in others [52] Gildawie et al. (2019)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Early postnatal-adolescent Adult ♂♀ MS 4h/day; SI or pair housing from P21–P35 Prelimbic cortex IHC and WFA stain PV cell number; PV intensity; PNN number; PNN intensity; PV+/PNN + cell number; PNN + fraction of PV cells; PNN + PV intensity; PV + PNN intensity PV cell number and PNN + fraction of PV cells reduced in females by MS + SI compared to SI alone; PNN intensity reduced by MS + SI in females compared to MS or SI alone; PV + PNN intensity reduced by MS + SI in females compared to MS alone [53] Gildawie et al. (2021)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Early postnatal Adolescent ♂♀ MS 4h/day Prelimbic cortex IHC Total PV cell number decreased in males, no change in females [60] Grassi-Oliveira et al. (2016)
Degu Early postnatal Juvenile MS 3 × 1h/day Prelimbic cortex IHC PV cell density no change [66] Helmeke et al. (2008)
Degu Early postnatal Adolescent MS 3 × 1h/day Prelimbic cortex IHC PV cell density no change [66] Helmeke et al. (2008)
Npas4 HET and wild-type mice Adult Maternal RS (GD7-19) 30 min twice per day Prelimbic cortex IHC Total PV cell number; total PV+/c-Fos + cell number; average NR1 puncta per PV cell no change [67] Heslin and Coutellier (2018)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Early postnatal Adolescent; adult MS 4h/day Prelimbic cortex IHC PV cell density decreased at P40, no change at P100 [93] Leussis et al. (2012)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Early postnatal Early postnatal; juvenile; adolescent; adult ♂♀ LB/LN 7 days Prelimbic Cortex IHC PV cell density increased in adults [118] Nieves et al. (2020)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Early postnatal Adult MS 2 × 3h/day Prelimbic cortex IHC PV cell density no change [126] Ohta et al. (2020)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent; adult ♂♀ UCMS 2 weeks; 6 or 40 days rest before sacrifice Prelimbic cortex IHC Total PV cell number decreased in males [130] Page and Coutellier (2018a)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ UCMS 4 weeks Prelimbic cortex IHC Total PV cell number increased [155] Shepard et al. (2016)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Early postnatal Juvenile ♂♀ MS 4h/day 19 days Prelimbic Cortex IHC 8-oxo-dG + fraction of PV cells; PV + cell 8-oxo-dG intensity; PV cell number; PV intensity increased 8-oxo-dG + fraction; PV intensity higher in females than males [157] Soares et al. (2020)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Juvenile-adolescent Adolescent SI 5 weeks Prelimbic cortex layers 2/3 and L5/6 IHC and WFA stain PV cell density; PNN + fraction of PV cells; PV fluorescence intensity; PV soma area decreased PV soma area [170] Ueno et al. (2017)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Juvenile; adult Adolescent; adult CUS 7 days Prelimbic cortex IHC and WFA stain PV cell density; PNN + fraction of PV cells; PV + fraction of PNNs; PV fluorescence; PV soma area no change [171] Ueno et al. (2018)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Adolescent-adult Adult CSIS 7 weeks. After stress, mice housed individually for 1 year Prelimbic cortex IHC PV cell density decreased [179] Wang et al. (2019)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Early postnatal Juvenile MS 4h/day Prelimbic cortex IHC; Western blot PV cell density; PV protein content no change [19] Brenhouse and Andersen (2011)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Early postnatal Adolescent MS 4h/day Prelimbic cortex IHC; Western blot PV cell density; PV protein content decreased protein and density [19] Brenhouse and Andersen (2011)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Early postnatal Adolescent ♂♀ MS 4h/day Prelimbic cortex Western blot PV protein content decreased in males [35] do Prado et al. (2015)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Early postnatal Adolescent; adult ♂♀ MS 4h/day Prelimbic cortex Western blot PV protein content decreased at P40, no change at P100 [93] Leussis et al. (2012)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Adult Adult ♂♀ RS 3h/day for 10 days Prelimbic cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression no change [112] Moench et al. (2020)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Adult Adult ♂♀ Acute elevated platform stress Prelimbic cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression no change [112] Moench et al. (2020)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Adult Adult ♂♀ RS 3h/day for 10 days; elevated platform stress on day 11 Prelimbic cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression no change [112] Moench et al. (2020)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Adult Adult ♂♀ RS 3h/day for 10 days; 7 days rest Prelimbic cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression increased [112] Moench et al. (2020)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Adult Adult ♂♀ RS 3h/day for 10 days; elevated platform stress on day 17 Prelimbic cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression increased in males [112] Moench et al. (2020)
PV-Cre Mouse (C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent LH 1h for 2 days; mice classified as helpless or resilient Prelimbic cortex Electrophysiology mEPSC and mIPSC amplitude and frequency onto PV cells decreased mEPSC amplitude in helpless, no change in others [137] Perova et al. (2015)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent RS 6h/day 3 weeks Infralimbic cortex IHC Total PV cell number; PV cellular intensity no change [27] Clarke et al. (2019)
Rat (Wistar) Adolescent-adult Adult CMS 9 weeks Infralimbic cortex IHC Total PV cell number decreased in anhedonic but not resilient rats [33] Czeh et al. (2018)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Early postnatal Adolescent MS 4h/day Infralimbic cortex IHC PV cell density decreased [49] Ganguly et al. (2015)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Early postnatal Juvenile; adolescent; adult ♂♀ MS 4h/day; 0, 20, or 50 days rest Infralimbic cortex IHC and WFA stain PV+/PNN + cell density; PV cell density; PV + PNN intensity; PNN + PV intensity; PV intensity no change [52] Gildawie et al. (2019)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Early postnatal-adolescent Adult ♂♀ MS 4h/day; SI or pair housing from P21–P35 Infralimbic cortex IHC and WFA stain PV cell number; PV intensity; PNN number; PNN intensity; PV+/PNN + cell number; PNN + fraction of PV cells; PNN + PV intensity; PV + PNN intensity PNN intensity and PV + PNN intensity reduced in females by MS + SI compared to MS or SI alone [53] Gildawie et al. (2021)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Early postnatal Adolescent ♂♀ MS 4h/day Infralimbic cortex IHC Total PV cell number decreased in males [60] Grassi-Oliveira et al. (2016)
Degu Early postnatal Juvenile MS 3 × 1h/day Infralimbic cortex IHC PV cell density no change [66] Helmeke et al. (2008)
Degu Early postnatal Adolescent MS 3 × 1h/day Infralimbic cortex IHC PV cell density no change [66] Helmeke et al. (2008)
Npas4 HET and wild-type mice Adult Maternal RS (GD7-19) 30 min twice per day Infralimbic cortex IHC Total PV cell number; total PV+/c-Fos + cell number; average NR1 puncta per PV cell decreased PV cell number and PV+/c-Fos + cell number in heterozygotes vs wild type; no change due to stress [67] Heslin and Coutellier (2018)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Early postnatal Early postnatal; juvenile; adolescent; adult ♂♀ LB/LN 7 days Infralimbic cortex IHC PV cell density no change [118] Nieves et al. (2020)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Adolescent-adult Adult CVS 14 days Infralimbic cortex IHC PV+/Glucocorticoid receptor + number decreased [105] McKlveen et al. (2016)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Early postnatal Adult MS 2 × 3h/day Infralimbic cortex IHC PV cell density decreased [126] Ohta et al. (2020)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent; adult ♂♀ UCMS 2 weeks; 6 or 40 days rest before sacrifice Infralimbic cortex IHC Total PV cell number no change [130] Page and Coutellier (2018a)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ UCMS 4 weeks Infralimbic cortex IHC Total PV cell number increased in females [155] Shepard et al. (2016)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Early postnatal Juvenile ♂♀ MS 4h/day 19 days Infralimbic Cortex IHC 8-oxo-dG + fraction of PV cells; PV + cell 8-oxo-dG intensity; PV cell number; PV intensity no change [159] Soares et al. (2020)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Juvenile-adolescent Adolescent SI 5 weeks Infralimbic cortex layers 2/3 and L5/6 IHC and WFA stain PV cell density; PNN + fraction of PV cells; PV fluorescence intensity; PV soma area no change [170] Ueno et al. (2017)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Juvenile; adult Adolescent; adult CUS 7 days starting at P21 or P71 Infralimbic cortex IHC and WFA stain PV cell density; PNN + fraction of PV cells; PV + fraction of PNNs; PV fluorescence; PV soma area no change [171] Ueno et al. (2018)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Adolescent-adult Adult CSIS 7 weeks. After stress, mice housed individually for 1 year Infralimbic cortex IHC PV cell density decreased [179] Wang et al. (2019)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Early postnatal Adolescent ♂♀ MS 4h/day Infralimbic cortex Western blot PV protein content decreased in males [35] do Prado et al. (2015)
Rat (Wistar) Adolescent-adult Adult CMS 9 weeks Anterior Cingulate cortex IHC Total PV cell number no change [33] Czeh et al. (2018)
Degu Early postnatal Juvenile MS 3 × 1h/day Anterior Cingulate cortex IHC PV cell density no change [66] Helmeke et al. (2008)
Degu Early postnatal Adolescent MS 3 × 1h/day Anterior Cingulate cortex IHC PV cell density increased [66] Helmeke et al. (2008)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Juvenile-adolescent Adolescent SI 5 weeks Dorsal Anterior Cingulate cortex layers 2/3 and L5/6 IHC and WFA stain PV cell density; PNN + fraction of PV cells; PV fluorescence intensity; PV soma area decreased layer 2/3 PNN + fraction of PV cells and PV fluorescence intensity [170] Ueno et al. (2017)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Juvenile; adult Adolescent, adult CUS 7 days starting at P21 or P71 Dorsal Anterior Cingulate cortex IHC and WFA stain PV cell density; PNN + fraction of PV cells; PV + fraction of PNNs; PV fluorescence; PV soma area no change [171] Ueno et al. (2018)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Adolescent-adult Adult CSIS 7 weeks. After stress, mice housed individually for 1 year Anterior Cingulate cortex IHC PV cell density decreased [179] Wang et al. (2019)
Degu Early postnatal Juvenile MS 3 × 1h/day Precentral Medial cortex IHC PV cell density no change [66] Helmeke et al. (2008)
Degu Early postnatal Adolescent MS 3 × 1h/day Precentral Medial cortex IHC PV cell density increased [66] Helmeke et al. (2008)
Mouse (C57/Bl6) Juvenile-adolescent Adult SI P21-35, group housing until measurement at P60-65 Dorsomedial PFC (including prelimbic and anterior cingulate regions) Electrophysiology 200 pA-elicited spike frequency; sIPSC frequency reduced (both) [12] Bicks et al., [2020]
Mouse (C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ UCMS 4 weeks Medial Prefrontal cortex IHC Total PV+/c-Fos + cell number increased [133] Page et al. (2019b)
Npas4 HET and wild-type mice Adolescent Adult CMS 2 weeks; 4 weeks rest Medial Prefrontal cortex IHC and WFA stain Total PV cell number; PNN + fraction of PV cells increased PNN + fraction in wild-type mice [131] Page et al., 2018b
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Adult Adult RS 6h/day for 10 days Medial Prefrontal cortex IHC and WFA stain Total PV cell number; Total PNN+/PV + cell number increased total PV cell number [138] Pesarico et al., 2019
GAD67(+/GFP) (HET) mice Juvenile Maternal RS: 45 min 3x/day from GD15 to GD17.5; BrdU injection IP once at GD12 or GD15 Medial Prefrontal Cortex IHC PV+/GFP + cell density decreased [169] Uchida et al. (2014)
GAD67(+/GFP) (HET) mice (C57/BL6) Juvenile Maternal RS: 3x45mins/day under halogen light during day from GD15-GD17.5; newborns given to surrogate mothers on P0 Medial Prefrontal cortex IHC and WFA stain Densities of PV cells, PNN + PV cells, PNN- PV cells, Aggrecan+/PV + cells, Aggrecan- PV cells; WFA intensity of PV cells; Aggrecan intensity of PV cells Decreased densities; no change in intensities [180] Wang et al. (2018)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Juvenile Maternal RS: 3x45mins/day under halogen light during day from GD15-GD17.5; newborns given to surrogate mothers on P0 Medial Prefrontal cortex IHC and WFA stain Densities of PV cells, PNN + PV cells, PNN- PV cells, Aggrecan+/PV + cells, Aggrecan- PV cells; WFA intensity of PV cells; Aggrecan intensity of PV cells no change [180] Wang et al. (2018)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Early postnatal Adult ♂♀ LB/LN Medial Prefrontal cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression no change [59] Goodwill et al. (2018)
GAD67(+/GFP) (HET) mice (CD1) Juvenile, adult Maternal RS: beginning on GD12, 45 min 3x/day during daylight under bright lights Medial Prefrontal Cortex IHC PV + fraction of GAD67:GFP + cells decreased at P24, increased at P150 [100] Lussier and Stevens (2016)
GAD67(+/GFP) (HET) mice (CD1) Juvenile, adult Maternal RS: beginning on GD12, 45 min 3x/day during daylight under bright lights Medial Prefrontal Cortex qPCR PV:GAD1 mRNA ratio no change at P24, decreased at P150 [100] Lussier and Stevens (2016)
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult CUS 16 days or CMS 8 weeks Medial Prefrontal cortex IHC PV numerical density, relative PV optical density no change [187] Zadrozna et al. (2011)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent, adult ♂♀ UCMS 2 weeks; 6 or 40 days rest before sacrifice Medial Prefrontal cortex IHC and WFA stain PNN + fraction of PV cells no change [131] Page et al., 2018b
Mouse (C57/BL6) Juvenile Adult 2 weeks SI Medial Prefrontal Cortex Electrophysiology sIPSC frequency and amplitude on PH and non-PH layer 5 pyramidal neurons increased frequency in PH pyramidal neurons [185] Yamamuro et al. (2020)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Adolescent Adult 2 weeks SI Medial Prefrontal Cortex Electrophysiology sIPSC frequency and amplitude on PH and non-PH layer 5 pyramidal neurons no change [185] Yamamuro et al. (2020)
Rat (Wistar) Juvenile-adolescent; juvenile-adult Adolescent, adult SI 2, 4, or 7 weeks Prefrontal cortex IHC PV cell density decreased at 4 and 7 weeks' SI but not 2 [152] Schiavone et al. (2012)
Npas4 HET and wild-type mice Adolescent Adult CMS 2 weeks; 4 weeks rest Ventral Prefrontal cortex (infralimbic and dorsal peduncular cortices) IHC and WFA stain Total PV cell number; PNN + fraction of PV cells increased PNN + fraction in wild-type mice [131] Page et al., 2018b
Npas4 HET and wild-type mice Adolescent Adult CMS 2 weeks; 4 weeks rest Dorsal Prefrontal cortex (anterior cingulate and prelimbic cortices) IHC and WFA stain Total PV cell number; PNN + fraction of PV cells no change [131] Page et al., 2018b
Mouse (BALB/c) Adult Adult ♂♀ UCMS 2 weeks Prefrontal cortex qPCR; IHC PV mRNA expression; Total PV cell number; PV+/pERK + cell number; VGlut1 puncta number per PV cell Increased PV mRNA, PV cell number, and PV+/pERK + cell number in females but not males. Increased VGlut1 puncta/PV cell in males and females [156] Shepard and Coutellier (2017)
Mouse (BALB/c) Adult Adult ♂♀ UCMS 4 weeks Prefrontal cortex qPCR; IHC PV mRNA expression; Total PV cell number; VGlut1 puncta number per PV cell Increased VGlut1 puncta/PV cell in females [156] Shepard and Coutellier (2017)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Early postnatal Early postnatal, juvenile LB/LN Prefrontal cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression decreased at P21 [59] Goodwill et al. (2018)
Npas4 HET and wild-type mice Adult ♂♀ Maternal RS (GD7-19) 30 min 2x/day Prefrontal cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression increased in heterozygotes vs wild type in males but not females; no change due to stress [67] Heslin and Coutellier (2018)
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult CMS 7 weeks Prefrontal cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression no change [145] Rossetti et al. (2018)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ UCMS 2 or 4 weeks Prefrontal cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression increased in females but not males [155] Shepard et al. (2016)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Adult Adult CUS 36 days Prefrontal cortex Western blot PV protein content no change [6] Banasr et al. (2017)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Early postnatal Juvenile, adolescent ♂♀ MS 4h/day Prefrontal cortex Western blot PV protein content decreased in female juveniles and male adolescents [68] Holl et al. (2014)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Early postnatal; adolescent Adolescent MS 4h/day; LH task P41 Prefrontal cortex Western blot PV protein content decreased [97] Lukkes et al. (2017)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Early postnatal; adolescent Adolescent MS 4h/day; LH task P41; allowed to witness another rat in task 1 day before they did it. Prefrontal cortex Western blot PV protein content no change [97] Lukkes et al. (2017)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Early postnatal; adolescent Adolescent MS 4h/day; LH tests P40-41 then sacrifice Prefrontal cortex Western blot PV protein content decreased in anhedonic MS vs non-anhedonic MS rats [98] Lukkes et al. (2018)
Rat (Sprague-Dawley) Juvenile-adolescent Adolescent SI 3 weeks Prefrontal cortex Western blot PV protein content no change [98] Lukkes et al. (2018)
Ncf1 DA allele rats (low ROS production), and Ncf1 E3 rats (high ROS production) Juvenile-adult Adult SI 7 weeks Prefrontal cortex Western blot PV protein content decreased by SI in E3 but not DA rats [152] Schiavone et al. (2012)
Mouse (C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ RS 6h/day for 2 or 7 days Frontal Association cortex layers 2/3 Microscopy PV cell dendritic spine formation and elimination rate increased formation and elimination at 2 days [120] Ng et al. (2018)
PV-Cre; Ai9-tdTomato mice (C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ CNO injection then RS 6h/day for 2 or 7 days Frontal Association cortex layers 2/3 DREADD activation of PV cells; Microscopy PV cell dendritic spine formation and elimination rate decreased elimination at days 2 and 7 [120] Ng et al. (2018)
PV-Cre; Ai9-tdTomato mice (C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ CNO injection then RS 6h/day for 2 or 7 days Frontal Association cortex layers 2/3 DREADD inhibition of PV cells; Microscopy PV cell dendritic spine formation and elimination rate increased formation at day 2 [120] Ng et al. (2018)
PV-Cre; Ai9-tdTomato mice (C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ CNO injection then RS 6h for 2 or 7 days Frontal Association cortex layers 2/3 DREADD activation of PV cells; Microscopy PV cell dendritic mushroom, stubby, and thin spine elimination rate decreased mushroom spine elimination at days 2 and 7 vs RS alone [120] Ng et al. (2018)
PV-Cre; Ai9-tdTomato mice (C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ CNO injection then RS 6h for 2 or 7 days Frontal Association cortex layers 2/3 DREADD inhibition of PV cells; Microscopy PV cell dendritic mushroom, stubby, and thin spine elimination rate no change vs RS alone [120] Ng et al. (2018)