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. 2021 Jul 15;15(6):750–756. doi: 10.1111/irv.12889


COVID‐19‐related symptoms and behaviors among study participants

Variable No. (%)
Influenza‐like illness episodes in previous 3 months
Yes 348 (39.2)
No 540 (60.8)
Reported symptoms in previous 3 months
Fever 143 (16.1)
Sore throat 169 (19.0)
Rhinitis 161 (18.1)
Wet cough 63 (7.1)
Dry cough 90 (10.1)
Difficulty in breathing 57 (6.4)
Chest pain 48 (5.4)
Headache 117 (13.2)
Diarrhea 68 (7.7)
Conjunctivitis 20 (2.3)
Malaise 193 (21.7)
Loss of taste or smell 94 (10.6)
Contact with COVID‐19 case in previous 3 months
Yes 138 (15.5)
No 750 (84.5)
Place of contact with COVID‐19 case a
Household 47 (34.0)
Work 56 (40.6)
Other 35 (25.4)
Attended a gathering or event in previous 3 months b
Yes 336 (37.8)
No 552 (62.2)
Number of attendees at gathering or event b
≤10 97 (28.9)
11–20 62 (18.5)
21–50 74 (22.0)
51–100 49 (14.6)
>100 54 (16.0)
Traveled in the previous 3 months
Yes 215 (24.2)
No 673 (75.8)
Uses masks regularly
Yes 811 (91.3)
No 77 (8.7)
Uses public transport
Yes 203 (22.9)
No 685 (77.1)
Healthcare worker
Yes 58 (6.5)
No 830 (93.5)

Among 138 subjects who reported contact with COVID‐19 case.


Among 336 subjects who attended a gathering.