Figure 1. Timeline of symptom onset, illness severity, SARS-CoV-2 RNA sample collection date, hospitalization, and ICU admission of the 11 COVID-19 patients between February and March 2020 in Lebanon.
All patients were admitted to the hospital with varying illness severity. Light blue bars represent asymptomatic patients. Gold bars indicate patients displaying mild symptoms while red bars denote patients with severe cases. Days are numbered sequentially from the 17th of February until the 20th of March. The star symbol indicates the RNA sample collection date while the asterisk (*) symbol denotes the date of symptom onset. Orange colored triangles mark the initial hospitalization date. The target symbol indicates admission into the intensive care unit (ICU) and the plus (+) sign is unique to patient S11 where it indicates his admission into the ICU in a different healthcare facility. The forked arrow symbol represents a patient’s death.