Fig. 2.
Thy1-aSyn mice (n=11) show increased freezing after conditioning in response to tone but not to context compared to wild-type (WT, n=10). A) Average freezing to context A (Day 2) across 8 minutes of context exposure (means ± SEM). Context fear is similar in Thy1-aSyn and WT mice. B) Average freezing across three tone test presentations (Day 4) (means ± SEM, p=0.088) and C) separately plotted for each mouse. Thy1-aSyn mice showed significant shift of distribution towards higher fear response (average % freezing, fisher exact test p = 0.035). D) Means ± SEM for average % freezing during the tone test. BL1–3, baseline recordings for 3 minutes without tone. Tone 1–3, recordings for 10 seconds after each tone is played. WT and Thy1-aSyn mice show enhanced average % freezing in response to the tone. (^^p<0.01 compared to BL1 for WT; ++p<0.01 compared to BL1 for Thy1-aSyn mice, Fisher’s LSD). Thy1-aSyn mice showed significant increased fear response compared to WT mice after the third tone (*p<0.05 Fisher’s LSD compared to WT).