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. 2021 Sep 17;65(10):e00914-21. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00914-21


Sociodemographic characteristics and clinical information-seeking behaviors of dental practitioners

DP characteristic (no. of DPs responding to question) Value
No. % Median (IQR)
Gender (556)
    Male 396 71.2
    Female 160 28.8
Age (yrs) (529) 53 (41–60)
Residence (549)
    Northwest 191 34.8
    South 169 30.7
    Center 75 13.7
    Northeast 73 13.3
    Islands 41 7.5
Academic degree (557)
    Medicine 218 39.1
    Dentistry 339 60.9
No. of yrs in practice (545) 25 (13–31)
Advising patients about antibiotic regimen (563)
    No 220 39.1
    Yes 343 60.9
Advising patients about consequences of nonadherence to therapy (563)
    No 93 17.4
    Yes 470 83.5
Asking about history of high-risk conditions (563)
    No 137 24.3
    Yes 426 75.7
Asking about antibiotic use in the previous wk (563)
    No 102 18.1
    Yes 461 81.9
Knowledge of guidelines (563)
    No 251 44.6
    Yes 312 55.4
Need for more information on the topic (563)
    No 117 20.8
    Yes 446 79.2