A-B. Diagram of the predicted conserved functional domains of human, yeast and Rhodnius prolixus VPS38/UVRAG and ATG4. C2, a protein structural domain involved in targeting PI3K to the cell membrane, CC, coiled coil domain. C-D. RT-qPCR showing the relative expression of VPS38 and ATG4 in different organs and during oogenesis of vitellogenic females. MG, Midgut; FB, Fat body; FM, flight muscle; Ov, Ovary. Troph, tropharium; PreVit, pre-vitellogenic follicles; Vit, vitellogenic follicles; Chor, chorionated oocytes. The relative expression was quantified using the ΔCT method with Rp18S as endogenous control. Graphs show mean ± SEM (n = 6). * p<0.05, **p<0.01, One Way ANOVA.