Cell soma density of putative targets (magenta) of dI2 neurons and dI2 synaptic densities (dI2::SV2-GFP, yellow) are illustrated in (
A–E). The laminar distribution of the somata and synapses is illustrated on the right side of (
A–E). Examples of target neurons in contact with dI2 synaptic boutons are presented in (
A’–E′), and their 3D reconstruction is presented in (
A″–E″). Genetic labeling was achieved using dI2 enhancers (
Figure 1—figure supplement 1A) delivered by electroporation at HH18. Premotor neurons (pre-MNs) were labeled by injection of PRV-Cherry into the hindlimbs (
D, E) or the forelimb (
F) musculature at embryonic day (E) 13. Embryos were incubated for 39 hr after PRV injection. (
A) dI2 neurons innervate ipsilaterally projecting pre-MNs at the crural plexus level (N = 2543 synapses [three embryos] and N = 250 cells, respectively, scheme was done based on one representative embryo). (
B) dI2 neurons innervate contralaterally projecting premotor neurons at the crural plexus level (N = 2543 synapses [three embryos] and N = 117 cells, respectively, scheme was done based on one representative embryo). (
C) dI2 neurons innervate contralateral dI2 neurons at the crural plexus level (N = 2543 synapses and N = 551 cells, respectively, two embryos). (
D) dI2 neurons innervate brachial contralaterally projecting pre-MNs (N = 2215 synapses and N = 90 cells, respectively, two embryos). (
E) dI2 neurons innervate brachial dI2 neurons (N = 2215 synapses and N = 66 cells, respectively, scheme was done based on two embryos).