Videos channels are shown in the order: DIC, GFP, DAPI. All videos were recorded at 250 fps, and the cell cycle position is indicated by DAPI staining. (A) Dividing (2K2N) long slender trypanosome in the tsetse fly, 2 hr post infection (h.p.i). No GFP:PAD1UTR signal is detectable. (B) Cell cycle arrested (1K1N) short stumpy trypanosome in the tsetse fly, 2 h p.i. The GFP:PAD1UTR reporter is expressed. (C) Dividing (2K1N) long slender trypanosome in the tsetse fly, 15 h.p.i. The GFP:PAD1UTR signal is clearly visible. (D) Dividing (2K2N) procyclic trypanosome in the tsetse fly, 48 h p.i. The cell expresses both GFP:PAD1UTR and EP1:YFP.