Fig. 1.
Impact of low (“young”) and high (“old”) cell culture passages in HAoSMCs, a process used for mimicking cell aging in vitro. A Comparison of baseline responses of old and young HAoSMCs (treated with control medium) with regard to processes involved in cell stress, damage, and fate. Bars represent means ± standard error of the mean from N = 6–7 independent experiments including n = 3 replicates within each plate. *p < 0.05 (t test young vs. old cells). B Gene set enrichment analysis revealed the most significantly [FDR associated with enrichment score (ES) < 0.05] enriched pathways and diseases associated with up- (+ ES) and downregulated (− ES) gene expression changes in old HAoSMCs relative to young HAoSMCs. Hierarchical clustering (agglomerative method = ward.D2) enabled to group gene sets based on their similarities (1-Jaccard index) for leading edge genes contributing to ES. HAoSMCs human aortic smooth muscle cells; ECM extracellular matrix; FDR false discovery rate; ES enrichment score