Figure 2. Frequency distributions of males and females for the total time spent in each TNS of interest. Females exhibited increased total time spent in States 4 and 6, whereas males exhibited increased total time spent in States 5 and 8. There were no significant sex differences in total time spent in the other four TNSs investigated. Independent samples Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests were used to examine differences in the frequency distributions between males and females (State 4: Scan 1: K-S Z=2.63, p<.001, Scan 2: K-S Z=1.63, p=.010; State 5: Scan 1: K-S Z=1.52, p=.019, Scan 2: K-S Z=1.31, p=.063; State 6: Scan 1: K-S Z=2.21, p<.001, Scan 2: K-S Z=1.16, p=.138; State 8: Scan 1: K-S Z=2.26, p<.001, Scan 2: K-S Z=1.79, p=.003).