Figure 1.
Time-scaled phylogenetic tree in which we identified phylogenetic clades introduced in the province of Liège (Belgium). We delineated those clades by performing a discrete phylogeographic reconstruction along the time-scaled phylogenetic tree while only considering two potential ancestral locations: “province of Liège” and “other location”. We identified a minimum of 244 lineage introductions (95% HPD interval = [239–250]) for 689 sequences sampled in the province of Liège. On the phylogeny, lineages circulating in the province of Liège are highlighted in red, and red nodes correspond to the most ancestral node of each clade. Apart from the phylogenetic tree, we also report a map of western Europe highlighting Belgium (in darker grey) and the province of Liège (in red), as well as a graph displaying both the number of sequences sampled through time and the daily number of new hospitalisations in the province of Liège (source: national public health institute of Belgium, Sciensano,