Imaging-guided injection of adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors and evaluation of hM3Dq expression
(A) Illustration of the location of viral vector injections. AAV vectors expressing hM3Dq were injected into the unilateral substantia nigra (SN, red arrow). As control, an AAV vector expressing a fluorescent marker was injected into the contralateral SN (blue arrow).
(B) A coronal computed tomography image overlaid on a magnetic resonance image representing the position of the vector injection needle obtained during surgery.
(C) A coronal representative parametric positron emission tomography image showing the specific binding (BPND) of [11C]deschloroclozapine (DCZ; Day 43, Marmo1). Red and blue arrowheads denote hM3Dq- and mKO-expressing sides, respectively.
(D) Comparison of regional BPND of [11C]DCZ between the hM3Dq and control side of the SN for three marmosets, where dotted lines connect individual data. The asterisk indicates a significant difference (p < 0.05, pairwise t test).
(E) A photograph of the representative coronal section staining for green fluorescent protein (GFP) and neutral red including the SN (Marmo1). Scale bar = 1 mm.
(F) A high-magnification image of SN neurons (red arrowhead in E). Scale bar = 100 μm.
(G) Confocal images of co-staining of GFP and TH in SNc region (Marmo2). Scale bar = 50 μm. White and yellow arrowheads represent double-labeled neurons and neurons labeled only with GFP, respectively.
(H) Illustration of the location of the striatum depicted in a coronal section.
(I) A coronal GFP-stained section including the striatum (Marmo2). Scale bar = 1 mm.
(J and K) A high-magnification image of the striatum (arrowheads in I) in the contralateral side (J) and ipsilateral side presenting GFP expression (K). Scale bar = 200 μm. mKO, monomeric Kusabira Orange. TH, tyrosine hydroxylase.