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. 2021 Sep 15;14:4015–4030. doi: 10.2147/DMSO.S326054

Table 1.

The Effect of Diosgenin on Markers Relevant to Lipid Metabolism

Model Diosgenin Dose Duration Effects on the Plasma Lipid Profile and Transcription Factors Pharmacological Effect Reference
HFDA Male SDB rats Protodioscin (0.5 mg/kg/d); intraperitoneal injection 15–28 days TC↓,LDL↓,HDL↓,HDL/LDL↑ Inhibited HMG-CoA reductase on endoplasmic reticulum [37]
HFD SPFC Male SD rats 0.15, 0.3 g/kg/d; intragastrically 4 or 8 weeks FTC↓,TTC↓, TC↓, TG↓, LDL-C↓
NPC1L1↓, ABCG5↑, ABCG8↑, LXR-α↓
Ameliorated hepatic steatosis and decreased the villi height and tunica mucosa thickness; Reduced cholesterol absorption; Increased cholesterol excretion [21]
HCDD Male Wistar rats 0.5g/100g orally 4 weeks TC↓, TG↓, HDL-C↑, LDL-C↓ Reduced Cholesterol absorption in the intestine and/or increased Cholesterol excretion from the liver; Increased bile acid and Cholesterol excretions [44]
STZE Male Wistar rats 40 mg/kg b.w. orally 45 days TC↓, TG↓, Phospholipids↓, FFA↓, HMGR↓ Decreased cholesterol synthesis [52]
HFD+ STZ Male SD rats 40, 80 mg/kg b.w. orally 14 days TC↓, TG↓, SOD↑, GPX↑, GSH↑, TBARS↓, PPARγ↑, PPARα↑ Promoted pre-adipocytes differentiate; Antioxidation modulating oxidative stress [68]
HFD Male SD rats 22.1, 44.2, 88.4 mg/kg/d orally 6 weeks TC↓, TG↓,LDL-C↓, GSH-PX↑, NOS ↑, MDA↓, SOD↑, LPL↑, HL↑ Antioxidation and modulating oxidative stress; Attenuated H2O2-induced cytotoxicity and increased the cell viability; Accelerated lipids metabolism; Decreased cholesterol absorption and increased biliary cholesterol secretion; [74]
HFD Male C57 mice In drinking water, 5 mg/L every 2 days 4 weeks PPARγ1↓, PPARγ2↓, MestF↓, MCP-1G↓, IL-6↓, ROS↓ Ameliorated metabolic dysfunction; Inhibited adipocyte differentiation [97]
Gestational diabetes-induced C57BL/KsJ+/+(wild type, homozygous) and C57BL/KsJdb/+(db/+, heterozygous) mice Protocol 1: 10, 20 mg/kg b.w; Protocol 2: 20mg/kg intragastric tube 4 weeks TBARS↓, SOD↑, CAT↑, GSH↑, TC↓, TG↓, LDL↓, SREBP-1↓, FAS↓, SCD-1↓, ACC↓ Antioxidation and regulation of oxidative stress; Inhibited the mRNA induction of lipogenic genes [86]
HCD Male SD rats 0.1%, 0.5% diet orally 6 weeks ALT↓, AST↓, TC↓, HDL-C↑, HDL/TC↑, GSH-Px↑, SOD↑, TBARS↓ Liver protective effect; Antioxidation and regulation of oxidative stress; protection against lymphocyte DNA damage in both unstressed and stressed cells; Inhibited pancreatic lipase activity [71]
HFD Male KK-Ay/Ta Jcl mice (obese diabetic model) 0.5%, 2.0% fenugreek orally 4 weeks TG↓, SREBP-1↓, FAS↓, SCD-1↓, ACC↓, LXR↓ Inhibited the mRNA induction of lipogenic genes; Inhibited hepatic steatosis [53]
HFD KK-Ay/Ta Jcl mice (obese diabetic model) 0.5%, 2% fenugreek orally 4 weeks aP2↑, LPL↑, Glut4↑, PPARγ1↑, MCP-1↓, TNF-α↓, adiponectin↑ Enhanced insulin sensitivity; Promoted adipocyte differentiation and inhibited obesity-related inflammation [72]
HCD Male New Zealand White rabbits 50 g/kg 50 mesh-size, 50 g/kg nanoscale Dioscorea pseudojaponica orally 8 weeks TC↓, TG↓, AMPK↑, ACC↑ Prevented lipid accumulation within liver tissue; Accelerated lipid catabolism [54]
Semipurified-diet + 0.1% cholesterol female cynomolgus macaques 1% die orally 3 weeks TC↓, TG↓, Increased cholesterol excretion [38]
Male apoE KO mice 1% (w/w) orally 8 weeks TC↓, FC↓, CE↓, ABCA1↑, miR-19b ↓ Enhanced macrophage cholesterol efflux; Inhibited macrophage cholesterol accumulation; accelerated RCT and improves plasma lipid profile; Inhibited aortic lipid deposition and atherogenesis [63]
HFD Male SD rats 0.5%, 1% (w/w) orally 16 weeks HDL↑, LDL↓, TG↓, ALT↓, pAMPK↑, pACC↑, AMPK↑, ACC↑,SREBP1-c↓, LXRα↓ Increased AMPK and ACC phosphorylation; accelerated lipid catabolism [91]
45% kcal-fat content male Wistar rats 20, 40, 80 mg/kg for mice and 15, 30, 60 mg/kg for rats orally 8 weeks AST↓,ALT↓,TG↓,TC↓,FFA↓,SREBP-1c↓,CPT↑,FAS↓,SCD↓,FoxO1↑,ATGL↑,SOD↑,MDA↓,GSH↑,SIRT1↑ Improved hepatic lipid metabolism; decreased triacylglycerol accumulation [87]
HepG2 cells; THP-1 monocytic cells Protodioscin, pseudoprotodioscin, methylprotodioscin(5μm, 10μm, 25μm) 24h; 48h ABCA1↑, SREBP-1↓, SREBP-2↓, LXRα↓,PCSK9↓,FAS↓,ACC↓, LDLR↑ Inhibited cholesterol triglycerides synthesis; accelerated RCT and improved plasma lipid profile; [64]
Human THP-1 monocytic cells; HepG2 cells Methyl protodioscin(100μm) 24h SREBP1c↓,SREBP2↓,miR-33a/b↓, ABCA1↑,HMGCR↑,FAS↓, ACC↓, LXRα↓ Inhibited cholesterol triglycerides synthesis [45]
C57BL/6 male mice; Wistar male rats Acute experiment: 28, 56, 84 mg/kg/d; chronic test: 20, 40, 60mg/kg/d; intragastrically Acute experiment: 2 weeks; chronic test: 12 weeks AST↓,ALT↓,TG↓,TC↓,SOD↑,MDA↓,GSH↑,GSH-Px↑, GSR↑,TnF-α↓,IL-6↓, p38↓,pERK↓, pJNK↓,CYP2E1↓,PPARα↑,CPT↑,MCAD↑ Reduced the oxidative stress,Inflammatory cytokine production, apoptosis and liver steatosis [70]
HFD C57BL/6J male mice 50, 100 dioscin mg/kg/d intragastrically 7 weeks SREBP-1c↓, FAS↓, GLUT4↓, pAMPK↑, pACC↑, p38↓, pERK↓ Inhibited cholesterol triglycerides synthesis; Increased AMPK and ACC phosphorylation; [57]
SW480 cell 6.21 μg/mL 24h; 48h ACC↓,FAS↓,PPARγ↑, LDLR↑ Inhibited the mRNA induction of lipogenic genes; decreased cholesterol absorption [88]
HFD Male SD rats 150, 300 mg/kg/d, intragastrically 8 weeks TC↓, TG↓, LDL-C↓, HDL-C↑, SRB1↑, CES-1↑, CYP7A1↑, FXR↓ Accelerated hepatic RCT; enhanced cholesterol elimination [49]
1% (1g/100g)

Abbreviations: AHFD, High-fat diet-fed; BSD, Sprague–Dawley; CSPF, specific-pathogen-free; DHCD, high-cholesterol diet; ESTZ, Streptozotocin-Induced; FMest, mesoderm specific transcript; GMCP-1, monocyte chemoattractant protein.