Figure 1.
Circ_0013587 expression is down-regulated in erlotinib-resistant AsPC-1 cells. (A) Effect of erlotinib treatment (48 h) on the survival of erlotinib-sensitive AsPC-1 cells and erlotinib-resistant AsPC-1/Erlo cells was analyzed using CCK-8 assay. (B) The qRT-PCR assay showed significant down-regulation of circ_0013587 expression in AsPC-1/Erlo cells than in AsPc-1 cells. (C) qRT-PCR analysis of circ_0013587 levels in pancreatic cancer (PC) and adjacent normal tissues. (D) qRT-PCR analysis of circ_0013587 expression in four pancreatic cancer cell lines and a normal pancreatic cell line HPDE6-C7. (E–G) The expression of circ_0013587 in pancreatic cancer patients with different tumor stages (E), different tumor grades (F), and patients with (or without) lymph node metastasis (G). (H) Kaplan-Meier analysis of overall survival in pancreatic cancer patients with high (above median) versus low (below median) circ_0013587 levels. **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.