Figure 5:
Representative QCM-D measurements of large-scale bilayer reformations in DOPC SLBs initiated by the introduction of (solid lines) 3-oxo-C12-AHL or (dashed lines) 3-oxo-C12-HS solutions at (A) 50 μM, (B) 75 μM, (C) 100 μM, (D) 125 μM, (E) 150 μM, (F) 200 μM. The changes in frequency (ΔFrequency, blue lines; referred to as Δf in the main text for brevity), and dissipation (ΔDissipation, orange lines; referred to as ΔD in the main text for brevity) shown are representative of three or four independent experiments. The initial measurement values (t=0 min) of these experiments correspond to a DOPC SLB on an SiO2 surface. Either 3-oxo-C12-AHL or 3-oxo-C12-HS solutions were introduced to the bilayer at the time indicated by the solid arrow and a buffer wash was introduced at the time indicated by the dashed arrow.