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. 2021 Sep 20;38(2):371–396. doi: 10.1007/s10899-021-10073-8

Table 1.

Sample demographics and study variable descriptive statistics

Variable Pre-COVID baseline COVID-lockdown Change
Age (years)
 Between 18 and 24 1.70
 Between 25 and 34 8.50
 Between 35 and 44 12.70
 Between 45 and 54 19.50
 Between 55 and 64 29.00
 Between 65 and 74 22.80
 75 or older 5.80
 Male 50.70
 Female 49.20
 Other 0.10
 Primary level 1.40
 Some secondary 3.70
 Completion of secondary 17.70
 Some vocational training 2.50
 Completion of vocational training 9.80
 Some post-secondary 13.20
 Post-secondary certificate, diploma, or degree (below a bachelor’s degree) 19.90
 Bachelor’s degree or equivalent 21.30
 Professional degree (e.g., law, medicine) requiring education beyond standard bachelor’s degree 2.60
 Master’s or doctorate degree 6.70
 Prefer not to say 1.20
Marital status
 Single 19.70 19.72
 Married or living in a common-law 63.30 63.08
 Separated, but still legally married 2.40 2.80
 Divorced 8.80 8.29
 Widowed 5.00 5.27
 Prefer not to say 0.80 0.85
 Employed full-time 41.00
 Employed part-time 10.80
 Sick leave, maternity leave, on strike, on disability 2.80
 Homemaker and not working for money 3.20
 Unemployed 3.10
 Full-time student and not working for money 0.40
 Retired and not working for money 37.30
 Prefer not to say 1.30
COVID related employment impacts (n = 1720)
 Permanent job loss 2.30
 Temporary job loss 18.60
 Maintained job with reduced hours or pay 15.60
 No change in employment status 63.40
Working remotely (n = 1360)
 No 44.00
 Partially 15.10
 Yes 41.00
Household income
 Less than $20,000 5.50 5.67
 $20,000–$39,000 13.90 14.64
 $40,000–$59,000 17.50 17.02
 $60,000–$79,000 15.60 15.40
 $80,000–$99,000 13.70 13.28
 $100,000–$119,000 9.20 8.82
 $120,000–$139,000 5.30 5.59
  > $140,000 8.80 8.52
 Uncertain 0.60 0.74
 Prefer not to say 9.80 10.33
Household debt
 No debt 34.20 37.70
 Less than $39,000 23.30 25.60
 $40,000–$79,000 8.40 9.50
 $80,000–$119,000 5.80 5.90
 $120,000–$159,000 4.60 5.20
 $160,000–$199,000 3.90 3.90
 $200,000–$239,000 3.00 3.70
 $240,000–$299,000 3.00 3.60
  > $300,000 4.20 5.00
 Uncertain 2.60 0.00
 Prefer not to say 7.00 0.00
 Impulsivity 14.04 (4.90)
 Time (h) 22.53 (58.16) 8.29 (34.73) t(3371) = − 14.53*
 Types (0–7) 2.38 (1.37) 1.19 (1.30) t(3371) = − 54.56*
 Frequency 6.07 (4.58) 5.72 (4.64) t(3448) = − 29.62*
 Total loss ($) − 313.55 (798.31) − 84.63 (313.09) t(3371) = − 20.22*
 Gambling fallacy measure 6.80 (1.61) 7.70 (1.78)
    Land-based 80.70 44.00
    Online 17.00 25.90
 PGSI total score 1.49 (3.63) 1.41 (3.58) t(2393) = − 5.94*
 PGSI categories
    Non-gambler 2.10 30.00
    Non-problem gambler 71.80 50.70
    Low risk gambler 14.20 12.10
    Moderate risk gambler 3.70 2.60
    Problem gambler 8.10 4.60

Unless otherwise indicated, N = 3449. Percentages presented for all categorical variables, means with standard deviations in parentheses are presented for continuous variables. Data presented for baseline but not presented for COVID-Lockdown were collected at baseline but not during COVID-lockdown. Change = paired t-Tests for gambling engagement and PGSI total scores. Platform percentages do not sum to 100 due to non-gamblers; percentages of non-gamblers are not included in PGSI Categories to reduce redundancies. PGSI = Problem Gambling Severity Index. * = p < .001