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. 2020 Dec 10;1498(1):9–28. doi: 10.1111/nyas.14536

Table 3.

Thiamine treatment regimens and response to treatment among infants, children, and adults with varying clinical manifestations of thiamine deficiency disorders in case–control studies and hospital‐based prospective cohorts and retrospective reviews

Study n Age and country of patient population Clinical presentations Thiamine treatment dose and duration Response to treatment
Infants and children
Rao et al.55 166 Mean age = 7 months India Severe respiratory irregularities, ophthalmoplegia, seizures, hypotonia, fever, and vomiting. Associated features: aphonia, choreo‐athetoid movements, arreflexia, and loss of milestones, with head lag 200–300 mg daily, followed by 75 mg daily for 3 months after discharge

Consciousness, respiratory abnormalities, and ptosis improved within 24 hours

Head control, tone, involuntary movements, and milestones recovered partially over a few weeks

Developmental delay and hypotonia remained at 3–6 months follow‐up in two cases with persistent computed tomography head lesions

Rao and Chandak27 55 Mean age 3.9 months India Tachypnea, chest indrawing, tachycardia, high output heart failure, and pulmonary hypertension, but also hepatomegaly, cough, fever, aphonia, nystagmus, and altered consciousness 75 mg IM twice daily for 5 days Reversal of right arterial and ventricular dysfunction at 2–3 weeks follow‐up in 19 cases
Coats et al.43 27 ≤7 months Cambodia Hepatomegaly, respiratory rate ≥40, heart rate ≥140, absence of fever, and at least two of the following: aphonia or dysphonia, wheezing, decreased urine output, recent vomiting, and irritability 100 mg IM for 3 days

Respiratory rate decreased by ≥10 breaths/min in 26% by 24 h and in 38% by 72 hours

Heart rate decreased by ≥20 beats/min in 30% by 24 h and in 33% by 72 hours

Twenty percent had decreased liver size by ≥1 cm by 72 hours

Porter et al.9 20 2–47 weeks Cambodia Hepatomegaly, respiratory rate ≥40, heart rate ≥140, temperature <37.5 °C 100 mg IM for 3 days

Significant decreases in respiratory and heart rate and liver size by 48 hours

Two cases with right ventricular enlargement improved within 48 hours

Qureshi et al.53 23

32 days–4 months


Tachycardia, irritability in the form of excessive crying and restlessness, moaning, reduced feeding for 1 day and seizures

Blood lactate levels were >15 mmol/L in all patients

100 mg IV on admission, and 50 mg IV daily until discharge from hospital

Moaning subsided within 2 h, vacant stare and tachycardia within 4 h, and normalization of breastfeeding within 12 hours

Blood lactate <4 mmol/L was attained within 4 hours

Hyperechoic putamen reversed at 1‐month follow‐up in eight cases

Wani et al.22 58

35 days–9 months


Infantile encephalitic beriberi: altered consciousness, seizures, altered personality, or cognition 100 mg IV on admission to hospital

Regression of basal ganglia hyperechogenicity with almost normal appearance at 2–4 weeks follow‐up in 18 infants and at 4–8 weeks in an additional 8 infants

Ten infants with persistent basal ganglia hyperechogenicity showed delayed developmental milestones

Bhat et al.58 50 1–6 months India Infants with acute onset encephalopathy: irritability, blephroptosis, gastroesophageal reflux, seizures, right heart failure, vacant stare, and aphonia 100 mg IV daily and 10 mg/day orally after discharge

Improvement in symptoms in median time of 7 hours

Eight patients were discharged with some neurological deficits in the form of aphonia, multiple cranial neuropathies, or motor deficits

Sastry et al.56 231

Mean age 3.2 months


Fast breathing, chest retractions, irritability, poor feeding, vomiting, aphonia, tachypnea, tachycardia, and hepatomegaly 100 mg IV daily for 3 days

Pulmonary hypertension resolved in 92% of cases within 24–48 hours.

Within 6 h, feeding improved and vomiting ceased

Tachypnea, tachycardia, and hepatomegaly reduced within 24 hours

Aphonia resolved over 3–4 days.

Thankaraj et al.54 28

Mean age 69 days


Tachycardia, prolonged capillary refill time, severe respiratory distress, seizures, vomiting, breathlessness, and poor feeding 100 mg IV daily for a minimum of 7 days

Resolution of shock within 24 h and initiation of breastfeeding within 2 days

Fourteen infants requiring invasive ventilation could be weaned within 60 h, with 12 infants being extubated within 24 hours

Improvement in capillary blood gas measurements within 4–8 hours

Shah et al.66 50 23–80 years India Nonalcoholic Wernicke's encephalopathy mainly presenting with nausea/vomiting, nystagmus, lower limb weakness, ataxia, altered mental status, and memory impairment 300–600 mg IV twice daily for 5–10 days, followed by 100–300 mg/day oral maintenance

Nine patients had residual symptoms after 9 days of treatment, mainly lower limb weakness, ataxia, memory impairment, and psychosis

One patient developed Korsakoff psychosis

Koshy et al.70 24

15–40 years


Peripartum women with peripheral neuropathy and/or cardiopathy 200 mg IV or IM per day for an average of 7 days, followed by B‐complex (33 mg thiamine) twice daily at discharge

Ninety percent of patients reported improvements in neurological deficits or in nerve conduction studies after an average of 10 days

One patient with repeat echocardiogram 1 week after treatment showed improved cardiac output and disappearance of a functional mitral regurgitation

Nilles et al.38 69 Median age 28 years (range 0–62) Kiribati Eighty‐three percent of cases were male. Main features were weakness, paresthesia, numbness, pain, or edema of the extremities

100 mg IM daily for 1–3 days, followed by 100 mg oral daily for 3–6 weeks

Ninety‐four percent of cases reported complete or near‐complete resolution of symptoms within 7 days

Of cases unable to complete squat tests or heel walk tests, 55–77% could successfully complete within 3–7 days of treatment

Hilal Ahmad et al.69 29 Mean age 30.2 years India Peripartum women with peripheral neuropathy 200–500 IV three times daily for 3–5 days, followed by oral thiamine Within 24–72 h, 27 patients showed improvements in weakness, mental status, ophthalmoparesis, and nystagmus and resolution of edema

IM, intramuscular; IV, intravenous.