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. 2021 Apr 1;98(2):E222–E234. doi: 10.1002/ccd.29674


Baseline, procedural, and in‐hospital management characteristics stratified by timing of insertion of Impella 2.5 and CP in relation to the interventional procedure in patients with cardiogenic shock

Overall (N = 191) Before (N = 77) During/after (N = 114) p‐value
Age 66 [55;73] 67 [58;74] 62 [54;73] .12
Male 73% (140) 73% (56) 74% (84) 1
Hypertension 54% (100) 56% (42) 53% (58) .75
Dyslipidemia 43% (79) 48% (36) 39% (43) .27
Diabetes mellitus 35% (65) 36% (27) 35% (65) .88
Chronic pulmonary disease 11%21 13%10 10%11 .64
Prior MI 36% (67) 44% (33) 31% (34) .08
Prior PCI 34% (63) 36% (27) 33% (36) .75
Prior CABG 5%10 8%6 4%4 .32
CKDa 25% (47) 27%20 25% (27) .86
AF 10%19 11%8 10%11 1
Prior TIA/stroke 5%10 7%5 5%5 .75
PAD 14% (26) 16%12 13%14 .64
Chronic HF 25% (47) 31%23 22%24 .22
LVEF, % 25 [20;30] 25 [20;30] 22 [15;32] .64
RV dysfunction 24% (42) 18%13 28% (29) .09
INTERMACS class 1 63% (116) 54% (39) 69% (77) .03
Out of hospital cardiac arrest 25% (46) 21%16 28% (30) .34
Etiology of cardiogenic shock
AMI 85% (163) 79% (61) 90% (102) .10
Acute myocarditis 3%5 5%4 1%1
Arrhythmias 4%8 4%3 4%5
Other 8%15 12%9 5%6
Laboratory values
Ph 7.4 [7.3;7.5] 7.4 [7.3;7.5] 7.4 [7.3;7.4] .33
HR (bpm) 100 [80;110] 100 [77;110] 98 [80;110] .86
MAP 63 [53;78] 65 [53;80] 60 [53;77] .56
Baseline lactate (mmol/l) 4.7 [2.6;7.5] 3 [2.2;6.4] 5 [3.1;7.5] .04
Baseline hemoglobin (g/dl) 12.3 [10.6;14.2] 12.2 [10.7;14.1] 12.4 [10.4;14.2] .98
Baseline creatinine (mg/dl) 1.2 [1;1.8] 1.3 [0.9;1.8] 1.3 [1;1.8] .91
Procedural characteristics
PCI performed 80% (147) 76% (55) 82% (92) .36
Number of diseased vessels 2 [1;3] 2.5 [1.3; 3] 2 [1;3] .09
Three vessels disease 42% (75) 50% (35) 37% (40) .09
BCIS myocardial jeopardy score 8 [6;12] 10 [6;12] 8 [6;12] .42
Left Main stenosis 36% (60) 41%25 34% (35) .40
LAD stenosis 80% (132) 84% (51) 78% (81) .42
CX stenosis 58% (95) 69% (42) 52% (53) .04
RCA stenosis 58% (96) 75% (46) 48% (50) <.01
By‐pass occlusion 1%2 2%1 1%1 1
Number of treated vessels 1.3 ± 0.9 1.6 ± 0.9 1.2 ± 0.7 .01
Three vessels treated 13%22 23%14 7%8 .01
Rotablator 7%11 5%3 7%8 .77
Resuscitation required during index procedure 21% (40) 17%13 24% (27) .23
Resuscitation required after index procedure 31% (58) 26%20 34% (38) .42
In‐hospital management
Impella removed immediately after PCI 12%21 23%16 5%5 <.01
Duration of support (hours) 53 [24;120] 48 [8;120] 72 [24;120] .06
Use of Impella 2.5 61% (117) 48% (37) 70% (80) <.01
Use of Impella CP 39% (74) 52% (40) 30% (34) <.01
Other cardiopulmonary support used
Inotropes 74% (130) 69% (50) 77% (80) .30
Mechanical ventilation 75% (139) 71% (53) 78% (86) .30
ECMO 29% (55) 22%17 33% (38) .10
IABP 36% (67) 23%17 45% (50) <.01

Note: Results reported as n (%) for categorical variables and median (interquartile range) or mean ± SD for continuous variables as appropriate.

Abbreviations: AF, atrial fibrillation; AMI, acute myocardial infarction; BCIS, British Cardiovascular Intervention Society; CABG, coronary artery by‐pass graft; CKD, chronic kidney disease; COPD, Chronic pulmonary disease; Cx, circumflex coronary artery; ECMO, ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation; HF, heart failure; HR, heart rate; IABP, intra‐aortic balloon pump; LAD, left descending artery; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; MAP, mean arterial pressure; MI, myocardial infarction; PAD, peripheral artery disease; PCI, percutaneous coronary intervention; RCA, right coronary artery; RV, right ventricular; TIA, transient ischemic attack.


Defined as eGFR <60 ml/min/1.73 m2.