Table 3. Symptomatology of victims stung by scorpions of medical interest from the Brazilian Amazon region and in vivo effects of venoms on experimental animals.
Species | Symptomatology of envenoming | Ref. |
T. apiacas | Immediate local pain, electric shock sensation (Apuí, AM), local erythema, local edema, sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, pallor, tremors, myosis and agitation. | [51] |
T. metuendus | Cause human envenoming. Humans:
local pain, hyperemia, paresthesia, edema, tachypnea,
lethargy, psychomotor agitation, mental confusion,
myoclonia, sweating, sialorrhea, dyspnea, nausea, vomiting
and tachycardia. Mice: restlessness, piloerection, sialorrhea, hyperactivity, respiratory difficulties, partial paralysis of limbs, exophthalmos, loss of equilibrium, convulsions and death. |
[36, 52] [113] [98] |
T. obscurus | Humans: Belém (PA) - Local manifestations: local and radiating pain, paresthesia, edema, erythema, sweating, piloerection and burning. Santarém region (PA) - Neurological manifestations: electric shock sensation, dysdiadochokinesia, dysmetria, dysarthria, dyslalia, nausea and vomiting, compatible with acute cerebellar dysfunction. Rats: hemorrhagic patches in the lung parenchyma and no pulmonary edema; decrease in general activity; no changes in the occurrence and intensity of induced convulsions; no hippocampal neuronal loss. Mice: edematogenic and moderate nociceptive activity; decreased locomotion, breathing difficulty, piloerection, palpebral ptosis and excessive oral and nasal secretions. The effects began 30 min after venom injection and persisted for about 3 h, while the respiratory changes persisted for 6 h. | [9, 49, 102, 114] [115] [115] |
T. silvestris | Local manifestations: local pain, paresthesia and edema. Systemic manifestations: nausea, vomiting, somnolence, malaise, dyspnea, tachycardia, headache, myoclonia, hyper/hypotension, hypothermia, abdominal pain and generalized muscle spasms. | [50, 70, 113] |
T. strandi | Local pain, paresthesia, erythema, edema, dysesthesia with a tingling sensation and electric shock sensation (Santarém, PA) of variable extension. | [37, 105] |
Ref.: reference. The atypical sensation of electric shock registered in cases of scorpionism in the Brazilian Amazon is underlined.