Figure 5.
Evaluation of next-generation AAVs in the RoC
(A) Representative brightfield and eGFP fluorescence (maximum intensity projection) images of RoCs (1 × 1010 vector genomes per well).
(B) Quantification of the mean eGFP fluorescence. AAV2.7m8 data (Figures 3 and 4) are depicted as comparison. Statistics represent the comparison with scAAV2.GL (±) and scAAV2.7m8 (∗).
(C) Quantification of the mean eGFP fluorescence in the non-organoid area of the RoC well. Statistics represent the comparison with scAAV2.GL (±) and scAAV2.7m8 (∗).
(D–F) Vertical cryosections of day 300 ROs transduced with 1 × 1010 virus genomes showing eGFP expression (green) and cellular co-stainings (magenta): (D) rod transducing (GNAT1, rods), (E) ARRESTIN 3 (ARR3, cones), and (F) CRALBP (MüG). DAPI: white. Co-stained cells are highlighted with white arrow. Scale bars: 50 μm (large images), 30 μm (small images). (B and C) n = 3 wells from one RoC for all conditions, mean + SEM.
See also Figures S6 and S7.