Fig. 6. Individual deletions of LARM1 and LARM2 reveal posterior and anterior contributions, respectively, to dorsalization.
a Homozygous ΔLARM2 mouse forelimb (FL) and hindlimb (HL) autopods showing loss of dosalization exclusively in the anterior aspect at 6 weeks (left), reduced anterior expression of Lmx1b in e12.5 limb buds (middle) and ventral-ventral morphology specifically in anterior 1–3 digits (right). b Homozygous ΔLARM1 mouse showing loss of dorsalization that is accentuated posteriorly at 6 weeks (left), reduced posterior expression of Lmx1b in e12.5 limb buds (middle) and ventral-ventral morphology specifically in digits 2–5 (right). Note the progressive loss of dorsalization towards digit 5 (e.g., increasing size of duplicated ventral sesamoid bones). c Equivalent views of a wild-type littermate for comparison. Arrowheads highlight the duplicated ventral sesamoid bones and distal phalanges.