a, b Knockout of ETS1 promotes HIV infection. MT4 were edited with ETS1 sgRNAs for 7 days, and then control or edited cells were infected with HIVpp-luc for 2 days. ETS1 protein levels were detected using western blotting (g). HIV replication was detected using luciferase assays (h). **p = 0.0012, ***p = 0.00015, ***p = 0.00094. c–e Interfering ETS1 expression increases HIV replication. Levels of single-cycle HIV infection were determined using luciferase assays in control shRNA or two ETS1 knockdown shRNA transduced MT4 cells infected with HIVpp-luc at an MOI of 0.2 for 2 days (c). ETS1 (d) and gp120 (e) mRNA expression levels were quantified in control shRNA or ETS1 KD MT4 cells infected with HIVLAI at an MOI of 0.01 for 3 days. c **p = 0017, **p = 0021. d **p = 001, **p = 002. e ****p = 2.99781E−06, ****p = 1.20386E−06. f ETS1 is recruited to the HIV promoter. HIV-infected MT4 cells were prepared for ETS1-CHIP analysis. RT-qPCR of the HIV promoter regions or c-myc or GAPDH region coimmunoprecipitated with ETS was performed. *p = 0.049, *p = 0.020, **p = 0.007, *p = 0.0309, ns not significant. g ETS1 inhibits HIV promoter activity. A plasmid containing HIV 5′ LTR and a luciferase reporter (HIV-LTR-luc) was used to quantify HIV promoter activity. The reporter plasmid was electroplated into control or ETS1 KD MT4 cells and then protein expression was quantified using luciferase assay after 2 days. ***p = 0.00017, **p = 0.007. h Model illustrating Vpr–PCIF1-ETS1 regulation axis in HIV replication. During HIV replication, PCIF1 restricts HIV transcription and is targeted by viral protein Vpr for proteasome-mediated degradation, which leads to an impaired m6Am modification in cellular mRNAs. PCIF1 inhibits HIV infection by stabilizing a transcription factor ETS1 (ETS Proto-Oncogene 1, transcription factor) mRNA that binds HIV promoter to regulate viral transcription. All data are represented as mean ± SD and analyzed by a two-sided t-test in b–g. n = 3 (c, d, g), or 4 (b, e, f) independent experiments. Similar results were obtained from three independent experiments in a.