(A) Representative gel of a primase activity time course in the presence of heparin (~5 μg/mL) with 400 nM DnaG and 5 μM ssDNA. Reactions on the left contain no ppGpp, while reactions on the right contain 1 mM ppGpp.
(B) Quantification of total primers synthesized without ppGpp (black line) and with 1 mM ppGpp (blue line) over the course of one hour. The total amount of primers synthesized remains largely unchanged with the addition of ppGpp. Points represent averages of n = 3, and the SEM is indicated by error bars.
(C) Quantification of primers 2-6 nucleotides in length without ppGpp (black line) and with 1 mM ppGpp (blue line) over the course of one hour. Synthesis of primers 2-6 nucleotides remains unchanged with the addition of ppGpp. Points represent averages of n = 3, and the SEM is indicated by error bars.
(D) Quantification of primers 7 - 21 nucleotides in length without ppGpp (black line) and with 1 mM ppGpp (blue line) over the course of one hour. Addition of ppGpp slightly reduced synthesis of primers 7 - 21 nucleotides long. Points represent averages of n = 3, and the SEM is indicated by error bars.