Overview of PVLV: The main division into LV (learned value) and PV
(primary value) cuts across a hierarchy of function in cortical, basal ganglia,
and brain stem areas. The cortex provides high-level, abstract, dynamic state
representations, and the basolateral amygdala (BLA), which has a cortex-like
histology, links these with specific US outcomes. The basal-ganglia-like central
amygdala (CEA) quantitatively evaluates the overall evidence for the occurrence
of reward or punishment using opponent-processing pathways, and drives phasic
dopamine bursts in the midbrain dopamine areas (VTA, SNc) if this evaluation is
in favor of expected rewards. BLA also triggers updating of US expectations in
ventral / medial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC), especially the OFC (orbitofrontal
cortex), which then drives another opponent-process evaluation process, in the
ventral striatum patch-like areas (VSpatch), the results of which can shunt
dopamine bursts for expected US’s, and drive pauses in dopamine firing
when an expected US fails to arrive, via projections to the lateral habenula
(LHb). Various brain stem areas (e.g., the lateral hypothalamus, LH) drive US
inputs into the system, and are also driven to activate conditioned responses