The PVLV model in emergent. Three Input layers to the
model are at top (USTime_In, Stim_In, Context_In).
Learned value (LV, Amygdala) layers are highlighted with light blue background.
Primary value (PV, Ventral striatum) layers are highlighted by a light red
background. Primary rewards or punishments are delivered by the two layers in
box at lower left. Dopamine and associated nuclei are on the lower right,
p suffix indicates positive valence: VTAp represents
majority of standard RPE-coding DA neurons (including SNc), while VTAn
represents small number of medial DA neurons responding with phasic bursts for
aversive outcomes. PPTg layers drive phasic DA activity and LHbRMTg represents
combined function of lateral habenula and RMTg.