Simulation 1a: Dissociable time courses of learning-induced changes to
CS- and US-onset phasic bursting. (a) Population dopamine cell
activity during early learning (top) and fully trained (bottom), adapted from
Ljungberg et al.'s, (1992),
Figure 13 with permission from The
American Physiological Society: Journal of Neurophysiology, copyright 1992. Note
robust firing after both CS- (left vertical line) and US-onset (right vertical
line) early in training (top). (b,c) Activity in key model
components during initial early learning (b); and, after full
training (c). KEY: solid black - VTAp activity
(dopamine cells); dashed red - CEmPos activity (central amygdalar nucleus,
medial segment - positive coding); zipper orange - VSPatchPosD1 activity
(ventral striatum patch cells).