System | Reference | N | Time frame | Dietary intervention | Result |
Medtronic PID‐IFB | 5 | 12 | 105 min | CHO supplement (15‐30 g) | No decrease in glucose levels |
Medtronic 670G | 6 | 8 | 4 d | CHO supplementa | No exercise‐induced hypoglycaemia |
Multivariable HEA | 7 | 6 | 3 d | CHO supplement (14 ± 7.8 g) | Most hypoglycaemic events were avoided |
DBLG1 | 9 | 13 | 3 d | Unrestricted (CHO = 12‐17 g)b | No exercise‐induced hypoglycaemia |
DBLG1 | This study | 63 | 12 wk | Unrestricted (CHO ~30 g) | No more hypoglycaemia on days with PA |
Abbreviations: CHO, carbohydrates; DBLG1, Diabeloop first‐generation CL system; HEA, hypoglycaemia early alarm; N, number of patients; PID‐IFB, proportional‐integral‐derivative with insulin feedback.
Calculated for each participant.
Value obtained from the Diabeloop SP6 database (not reported in Hanaire et al.7).