Figure 5.
Colors from Dielectric Metasurfaces and Photonic Crystals
(A) Tuning the color of silicon nanostructures. (1) Darkfield optical images and spectral scattering efficiency are taken from selected Si NWs of different diameters. (2) Darkfield optical images and SEM images of large-scale patterned NW arrays.44 Reprinted by permission of American Chemical Society (copyright, 2010, American Chemical Society).
(B) Guided-mode resonant polarization-controlled tunable color filters. (1) Dielectric GMR color filter structure. (2) The experimental and theoretical reflectance of the blue-green tunable filter.109 Reprinted by permission of Optical Society of America (copyright, 2014, Optical Society of America).
(C) Structural colors from Fano resonances. (1) Illustration of the simulated structure. (2) A vertical slice of the spatial distribution of the electric field for the resonant mode responsible for the reflectance peak. (3) Photographs of the fabricated sample with different viewing angles.30 Reprinted by permission of American Chemical Society (copyright, 2015, American Chemical Society).
(D) RLP of structural colors on high-index dielectric metasurfaces. (1) Schematic diagram of the structures. (2) Schematic setup of RLP. (3) Reflection and transmission microimages of multicolored structures generated by gradually increasing laser powers. (4) Corresponding SEM images of the microstructures (i, iii, v, vii, and ix) in (3).115 Scale bar in (3) and (4) represents 0.5mm and 200nm. Reprinted by permission of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (copyright, 2017, American Association for the Advancement of Science).
(E) Large-scale fabrication of three-dimensionally ordered polymer films with strong structure colors and robust mechanical properties. (1) Illustration of the fabrication procedure of the polymer ordered films. (2) Experimental reflection spectra of crystal films with different polymer sphere diameters. (3) Bent polymer/silica/carbon black crystal films.102 Reprinted by permission of the Royal Society of Chemistry (copyright, 2012, The Royal Society of Chemistry).
(F) Effect of defective microstructure and film thickness on the reflective structural color of self-assembled colloidal crystals. (1) Typical SEM image of the top surface of a colloidal crystal film. (2) Compilation of peak reflectance Rmax as a function of defect density ρd added to the system for the set of defect types studied.116 Reprinted by permission of American Chemical Society (copyright, 2020, American Chemical Society).