Figure 3.
RGS14 KO mice exhibit enhanced cocaine-induced locomotion (CIL) and thigmotaxis in a familiar environment. a Experimental timeline for CIL experiment in a familiar environment. b WT (blue) and KO (red) mice exhibited similar total locomotor activity during 1 h in a familiar environment following saline injection. c Both genotypes exhibited comparable levels of peripheral (solid bars) and central (striped bars) ambulations in a familiar environment. d Dose-response curves of acute cocaine-induced locomotion for WT (blue) and KO (red) in a familiar environment showed a significant dose x genotype interaction, evident at higher doses of cocaine. e Locomotor activity during a 30-min habituation period and 1 h following administration of 20 mg/kg cocaine (dashed line). KO mice displayed an enhanced locomotor response to cocaine treatment. f Total ambulations after 20 mg/kg cocaine were increased among KO mice compared to WT but did not reach significance. g Cocaine in a familiar environment had no effect on center ambulations (WT = blue, striped bar; KO = red, striped bar) but did increase peripheral ambulations in KO mice (red, solid bar) compared to WT (blue, solid bar). n = 14 per genotype. n.s. = not significant, *p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, †† p < 0.05 for the effect of interaction. Created with